Download Randy “The Viper” Orton Wallpaper!

WWE Randy Orton "The Viper" Wallpaper
Beware The Viper’s Strike!
Everyone’s been talking about Randy Orton lately. His recent win on SmackDown!when he bagged the World Heavyweight Championship off Christian sent the internet wrestling community into a s**tstorm. Orton’s Twitter was flooded with both hate-Tweets and congrats-Tweets, but the general feeling among fans was that Christian should not have been made to face Orton so soon. My question is…”why”?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve wanted Christian to be World Champion for a long time. And I would’ve loved to see him reign that way for at least a couple of months. And obviously, so would Booker T, because he’s been going bonkers on SmackDown! about how Teddy Long should have never made the match that saw Christian lose. But why? If you’re the champion, you’re going to have to defend your title whenever and wherever you’re booked to do so. It’s all about ratings, the fans (or WWE Universe, ehem), and putting on a good show. The match between Orton and Christian was an awesome piece of work. But in the end, The Viper walked home the new World Champion. That is what makes Randy Orton so lethal and so dangerous. He’s the apex predator. He’s quick, he’s smart, he’s strong, and he’s focused. In the end, it’s all about who’s the top-dog and Randy Orton proved that he couldn’t care less about who the champion was. All he needed to be was the champion, and that’s what he is today. And it makes for an interesting angle, also giving Christian the chance to stay in the main-event ranks and possibly capture the championship for the second time, somewhere down the line.
Anyway, I figured it’s the perfect time to have a new Randy Orton wallpaper on the site. Take it as somewhat of a “sequel” to some of his previous wallpapers. You’ll notice the similarities. Fittingly titled “The Viper“, the wallpaper depicts Orton for what he is ; cold, calculating, and one of the deadliest superstars in the history ofWWE. Download and decorate, all!

Widescreen : [1920x1200]   [1680x1050]  [1600x900]   [1440x900]
Normal : [1280x1024]   [1280x960]   [800x600]   [1024x768]
Mobile, PSP, and iPad : [320x240]   [PSP]   [iPad]


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